Wednesday, June 17, 2015

My Speech Performance!!

Hey guys, this is me at Wharenui School doing my speech last night. The was 8 Yr 7s, and 11 Yr 8s! We were given tips at the end, and my speech was mentioned specifically for some really good things that I had in my speech, and ONLY me! So, it went well, and I feel pretty good about it. Yay!

This is me in front of everyone doing my speech.
I got a certificate and 50 BUCKS worth of book vouchers.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

My Lunch, 9/6/15

I have: Chips (I never have chips but we had them left over from a party we had in the weekend.)

I will eat my chips at morning tea, my kiwifruit at read and feed and my crackers and grapes at lunch.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

100 Word Challenge #35!

100 WC #35

I cautiously opened the lid of the yoghurt expecting to see greeny-blue mould. There was none. I got a spoon out of the kitchen draw and scooped out some of the delicious Raspberry Yoghurt. I re-checked the ‘Best Before’ date just to make sure it’s past its, “date” Yup .30/5/15. It was past. I also gave it a whiff. It smelt alright. I lifted the spoon cautiously to my mouth. I put it in my mouth. It tastes really funny,  and it made my tongue tingle. “Bleeeaaauuhh!” I spit it out into the sink. Yes, it’s DEFINITELY off.