Friday, November 20, 2015

100 Word Challenge! Petit (Small)

Walking the darkened hallway at 10pm, I had just heard a big crash from the kitchen. It sounded like it was from a small animal. I flicked the light switch on, and I was confronted by a sight that hurt every inch of my brain.
'How could something so tiny create a huge mess?' I thought. The fridge door silently swung back and forth and the contents were all over the place. My draws were open, looking dilapidated and my cutlery had spilled onto the tiled floor. And in the middle of it was sitting a small spider. Laughing.


  1. Love it Asher! I can just picture the sight now

  2. I love your description. Here I was thinking earthquake or dad. A spider never entered my thoughts. Great writing.

  3. What a great use of the word 'dilapidated'. This is a really clever short story. Once again Asher, you have a real way with words. (Write a book already.)
    Mum :)


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