Friday, September 18, 2015

Camera!! What are your thoughts?

Hey guys, so, last Monday I went into Harvey Norman and bought a Canon Powershot SX520 HS and I have been trying it out over the past couple of weeks. So far, it has been one of my BEST buy, with the quality being pretty much perfect. The only downside is video is only 30fps and it would be nice at 60fps. I think 60fps is wanted by any people just staring out, but it is best to go for something not as hardcore so you do get used to making videos. If you would like to see me unboxing the camera, the video down below is for you. Sorry about the time length, my editing software crashed and I couldn't edit it down. (Stupid I-movie.)
I will have some pictures up for you to look at on Monday. For now, enjoy the video.


  1. Hi Asher, good purchase. I think you will be fine with 30fps. The industry standard in cinema is 24fps with The Hobbit being the first film offered in 48fps. You will find heaps of discussions online about 24 vs 48 (or 30 vs 60) but it seems the major consensus is 24/30 gives a more cinematic feel, with the higher frame rates feeling unnatural or looking like a tv soap opera. Being a bit of a film purist I agree but have a read of some articles and watch some comparisons and see what you think. Looking forward to seeing some photos.

    1. Thanks Michael,

      I will definitely take this into consideration. I am happy with 30fps but 60 would've been good for slomo. But, I probably won't be making many videos with slomos in.

      Thanks again,

      Asher :-)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Asher, I don't think I know much about camera's. What I do know is how proud I am of you working to save money in order to purchase your camera. It takes lots of hard work to be able to earn the kind of money a good camera costs. I watched a speech by Ashton Kutcher today he was talking to teens about how opportunity is actually hard work. That you make opportunities by working hard and not just expecting opportunities to be handed to you. I think that you are already living out this value by working hard. :) Love Mum

  4. Hi Asher
    Looks like a great camera. As your mother said (I think I know her) it is great to see people saving for what they want. Saving is a great habit to develop. Talking of developing: Gone are the days when one took some photos and sent the film to the shop and waited to see what the shots came out like. I look forward to a plethora of quality photos.

    1. Thanks for that Mr. Robertson,

      I am glad that I don't have to go through the film development process to access my photos/videos. Did you ever have a camera?


      Asher :-)

  5. I agree with Mrs Spragg ;) So cool how you had a goal and worked to achieve it! Michael's comments are really helpful. Have you tried any slomos yet just to see what they come out like?


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