Monday, December 7, 2015


Hey Guys, as you probably know, my class just went on camp to our Capital city, Wellington. We had the best time, filled with laughter, walking and activities. We went to places like The Westpac Stadium, Weta Workshop, Te Papa and Capital E. Below is our whole plan of our trip. I was in charge of the ferry.

I have some pictures and a video based in segments of the days. Enjoy!

DAY 1!

Friday, November 20, 2015

100 Word Challenge! Petit (Small)

Walking the darkened hallway at 10pm, I had just heard a big crash from the kitchen. It sounded like it was from a small animal. I flicked the light switch on, and I was confronted by a sight that hurt every inch of my brain.
'How could something so tiny create a huge mess?' I thought. The fridge door silently swung back and forth and the contents were all over the place. My draws were open, looking dilapidated and my cutlery had spilled onto the tiled floor. And in the middle of it was sitting a small spider. Laughing.

Monday, November 9, 2015

My Genius Hour Project!

Hey guys, Asher here. Today I have my finished VFX Genius Hour project, with info about VFX and much more. I chose this topic because I love every aspect of filmmaking, and VFX was the first part I was introduced to. Hope you enjoy reading and the short video at the end! PEACE.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

My New Zealand Artist

Hey guys, Asher here. In class we have been doing NZ artist study, and I have 2 artists I have chosen. One is a group, and the other is by herself. We have created a DLO, or a Digital Learning Object to talk about them, and why we chose them. I think that schools in NZ should do more art, because it is important to learn about different areas in the industry, which also may give way to them becoming an artist themselves. Here it is!